Point Pleasant Beach Schools ...
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Prior to the mid
1800s, a formal education was hard to come by in Ocean County.
Schoolhouses were few and far between.
The first public schoolhouse in Brick
Township (which then included Point Pleasant) was erected around 1850 in
Burrsville (Laurelton). As was the practice, one teacher and a
township superintendent were responsible for educating the children, as
well as maintaining the school. This one-room schoolhouse opened
the door for a formal education in Brick. Although a far distance
from those children living in Point Pleasant, this school was actually
built at the center of Brick Township's population.
The first public school in Point
Pleasant was built during the summer of 1867. It was also a
one-room building, 20 x 34 feet with a six foot portico and a coal
burning stove. The school was located on a one acre tract of land
on the south side of Arnold Avenue near the intersection with Lincoln
Avenue. Prior to this date, an old dilapidated building was used
to hold school lessons.
A second one-room schoolhouse
was built the following year south of Lakewood Road near the present
Point Pleasant Canal. According to county school records, this
school was designated Point Pleasant Bay in school district number nine,
but was known locally as Pine Grove Academy.
Both of these schools served
the needs of the community, while those seeking a higher education
attended schools in the cities.
The opportunity for a more comprehensive curriculum arrived with a new
multi-room school in 1888 (right). This wooden two story building
was constructed on property at the southeast corner of Trenton and Gowdy
Avenues. The first classes in the new school were conducted that
September under the direction of Charles H. Knowles, the first
principal. Elementary grades were held in the first floor
classrooms while seventh and eighth grades were held in a room on the
second floor. Next to this classroom was Education Hall, a large
assembly room which was frequently rented out for various social events.
In 1893 a 450 pound bell was
purchased for the school's bell tower, and by 1900 kindergarten through
two years of high school were being taught.
In January 1900 the Pine Grove
Academy burned to the ground. The school year was completed in
Hance's Hall while Brick Township officials contemplated building a new
school for West
Point Pleasant. This became a reality in 1901 when a new six-room
school on Ocean Road was dedicated (left). This wooden school
contained grades one through eight. On the second floor was an
all-purpose room that was used as a gym and also contained a piano for
entertainment. There were two out-houses, one for the boys and one
for the girls with a wooden fence between. A bucket of drinking
water would be kept in the cloak room with a dipper, as it was unusual
for a student to be lucky enough to have his own drinking cup.
In the meantime, the old Arnold
Avenue schoolhouse was sold to Isaac Cohen for $92. The building
was soon moved east into town and rebuilt into a store.
In Point Pleasant Beach, the
first graduation from the two year high school program was held in
Arnold Hall in 1901 with seven graduates. A four year high school
program was instituted in 1903 and in 1906 its first five graduates
received diplomas.
In February 1908 the Point
Pleasant Beach school was destroyed by fire. Work was started
immediately on a new larger school which opened a year later. This
four story brick and wood building contained ten classrooms and an
auditorium on the top floor.
Fire again struck in July 1912
when this school was gutted. That September, classes were held in
the Backes Building (now the Antique Emporium) while the school was
rebuilt minus the fourth floor.
The Brick Township school in
West Point Pleasant also was to meet a fiery fate. In March 1915
this school burned to the ground. A new brick school rose from the
ashes and opened a year to the day after the fire. Additions were
made to this school, known as the Ocean Road School, in 1930 and
1950. This second Ocean Road School was torn down in 1992 and
replaced with the present school.
In 1922, a new high school was
completed in Point Pleasant Beach, relieving the severely overcrowded
conditions (below). The old high school was now used as a grammar
school and later became known as the "annex". It was
torn down in 1973. An addition to the high school was completed in
1937. Further additions and renovations were made in 1963 and
1976. The grammar school moved into the G. Harold Antrim
Elementary School on Niblick Street in 1954. 
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